Privacy Policy
We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This privacy policy describes how VersaMarkets (HK) Ltd and associated companies collect, use and share the personal information you provide to us and which we collect in the course of operating our businesses, websites and mobile applications.

We may revise this policy at any time by amending this page. Please keep an eye on this page to take note of any changes.
What personal information do we collect?
Personal information is any information in our possession or control that can be used to directly identify an individual or that we can link to an individual.
We collect and process the following personal information about you:
1. When we provide you with services – If you are our client, you will provide us with personal information in connection with our client on-boarding and monitoring processes and the services we provide to you. Similarly, if you are our client's authorised representative, you will provide us with personal information in this regard.

2. Where you are a prospective client – If we are exploring the possibility of providing services to you, you may provide us with personal information in connection with our discussions and client on-boarding processes.

3. When we do business with you – If you are our appointed representative, a counterparty or a party we otherwise do business with, you will provide us with personal information in connection with our business relationship.

4. Subscribing via our website – If you sign up with us to receive further information regarding our services or marketing communications, you will provide us with personal information to allow us to contact you with these.

5. Recruitment applications – If you apply for a job with us, you will provide us with personal information in connection with your application.

6. Marketing our services – If you attend networking or other marketing events either hosted or attended by us, you may provide us with personal information to allow us to contact you.
Information we collect via technology
We collect technical personal information about you when we correspond with you or interact with you through various means such as our websites and mobile applications. For example, we will automatically collect the following information when you visit our websites and use our mobile applications: technical information, such as the type of browser you use and the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer or mobile device to the Internet (as applicable); and information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL), clickstream to, through and from our site (including date and time), traffic data and other communication data, the resources that you access and information derived from the cookies we place on your mobile device and computer.
Information we receive from third parties
We receive personal information about you from third parties as follows:
1. If you are our client – We may receive personal information about you which is relevant to our client on-boarding and monitoring processes and the services we provide to you from third party sources such as your professional advisers (for example, your investment adviser) or third party service providers who assist with our "know your client" checks.

2. If you are our prospective client – We may receive personal information about you which is relevant to the provision of our services and our client on-boarding processes from publicly available open sources.

3. If you are our appointed representative, a counterparty or a party we otherwise do business with – We may receive personal information about you from third party service providers who assist with "know your client" checks.

4. If you have applied for a job with us – We may receive personal information about you relevant to the job you have applied for, from background check providers or employment agencies
How do we use your information?
We may use the personal information we hold about you for the following purposes:
1. To provide you with services, act as your authorised principal or otherwise conduct business with you.

2. To send you the marketing material you have requested to receive via our websites and to manage and track our marketing efforts.

3. To process your application for a job with us.

4. To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

5. To establish, defend or exercise our legal rights or in connection with legal proceedings.

6. To improve on our services, websites and mobile applications or create new ones.
We rely on the following legal grounds to process your information:
1. To provide you with services, act as your authorised principal or otherwise conduct business with you.

2. To send you the marketing material you have requested to receive via our websites and to manage and track our marketing efforts.

3. To process your application for a job with us.

4. To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

5. To establish, defend or exercise our legal rights or in connection with legal proceedings.

6. To improve on our services, websites and mobile applications or create new ones.
Who will we disclose your information to?
We may share your personal information within our group and with our associatedcompanies where necessary. In addition, we may disclose your information to thefollowing third parties:
1.  Third parties relevant to     the services we provide or business we conduct with you. For example, if     you are our client we may share personal information about you with your     investment adviser or any account representative you appoint to manage     your account with us.

2.  Third party service     providers, bound by a duty of confidentiality, engaged by us to help us     run our business. For example, brokerage firms engaged by us to facilitate     deals in securities on behalf of our clients.

3.  Regulatory authorities     (such as the Malta Financial Services Authority), should they require such     disclosure on legal grounds.

4.  If we or our group, or     substantially all of our or our group's assets are acquired by a third     party, we will disclose your information to the buyer on a confidential     basis (as information about our clients will be one of the assets     transferred to the buyer)
What are your rights?

You have a number of rights in relation to how we use your personal information(but please note in some circumstances these rights may not be available to youand we will address this with you on a case by case basis). If you'd like toexercise these rights, please contact us using the contact details listed belowunder "Who can you speak to at VersaMarkets about this policy?".
1. Right of access – You have the right to know if and how we are using your personal information  and obtain a copy of it.

2. Right of rectification –  You have the right to require us to rectify any errors in the personal     information we hold about you.

3. Right to erasure – You have the right to require us to delete your personal information if our  continued use of it is not justified.

4.  Right to restrict processing – In some circumstances, where you may not be entitled to require us to erase your personal information, you may be entitled to  limit the purposes for which we can use your information.

5.  Right of data portability – You have the right to require us to provide you with a copy of the  personal information you have provided to us in a commonly used  machine-readable format or to transfer it in that form to a third party.

6.  Right to withdraw your  consent to processing – You have the right to withdraw the consent you have given us to allow us to process your personal information.
In addition, you are able to lodge a complaintwith a data protection authority if you think we have infringed any of yourrights. For more information on this please contact your local data protectionauthority. A list of data protection authorities can be found here.
Who can you speak to at VersaMarkets about this policy?

Questions, comments and the exercise of your rights regarding this policy andyour personal information are welcomed and should be addressed to the DataProtection Team by email at
Cookie Policy

The following information is pertinent to VersaMarkets (HK) Ltd. VersaMarketsis a company incorporated and existing under the laws of Hong Kong bearingcompany registration number 3294176 and with its registered office at Room 4,16th Floor, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, Kowloon,Hong Kong. The terms and conditions set out in this page are strictly inrelation to VersaMarkets
What is this policy?

This policy explains what cookies are and howour website uses them. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookiesin accordance with this policy.
What are cookies and why do we use them?

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which aredownloaded to your device when you visit a website. Cookies are useful becausethey allow a website to recognise a user's device. We use cookies to ensure youcan use our website and to improve your user experience.You can find more information about cookies at: and
What types of cookies do we use?

We use the following cookies:
1.  Strictly necessary     cookies – These are cookies that are essential for the operation of our     website. They allow you to move around and use the features of our website     (including accessing its secure areas). Without these cookies, we cannot     make our website available to you.

2.  Analytical/performance     cookies – These are cookies which allow us to collect information about     how visitors use our website, for instance which areas visitors go to most     often, and if they get error messages from particular pages. This helps us     to improve the functionality and performance of the site, for example, by     ensuring that visitors are finding what they are looking for easily. We     also use Google Analytics, to provide insights into how users find and use     our website. Without these cookies, we cannot make improvements to enhance     your user experience.

3.  Third party cookies –     These are cookies which our website allows third parties to download to     your device. For example, cookies from are used to allow you     to send a page from our website to your social media account such as     Facebook or Twitter. Cookies from Vimeo are also used. The Vimeo cookie is     set on pages that contain Vimeo videos. These third party cookies are not     under our control. For further information about their use see and

4.  Functionality cookies –     These are cookies used to remember your site choices and preferences when     you return to our website, so that we can provide you with a more     personalised experience. For example, cookies embedded on certain pages of     our website enable you to easily access gated content you have previously     viewed or would like to view after supplying your email address.
Can you block cookies?

Most mobile devices automatically accept cookies. However, if you prefer, youcan change your device settings to prevent automatic acceptance or to notifyyou each time a cookie is set so that you may accept or reject cookies on acase by case basis. Please note, if you block cookies you may not be able toaccess all or part of our website.

For more information about how to disable cookies, visit

Contact information

If you have any questions about this policyplease contact the Data Protection Team by email at